Uncovered Insights On Useful Tactics For [astrology]
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Evidently, the course of life becomes subject to lot of variables, many of them unforeseen, and therefore, it is often faced with lot of twists and turns. No wonder, the architects of the discipline of astrology brought into reckoning three factors for interpreting a chart — Kala (environmental condition), Patra (Individual personality trends) and Samaya (destiny indicating time frame). Imagine a situation when the economic condition of a country is going through low phase. Or for that matter, the overall work atmosphere is passing through a turbulent time such as during riots, workers strike, or civil unrest. No matter, how good your luck may be, the gains out of your efforts can’t be on expected lines. Again, the fruits of actions are also dependent on the quality of efforts you put in, which is subject to your habits and attitudes. Also, how intelligently you deal with the challenges coming in the way. Here comes the role of one’s personality trends. You just paid attention to the destiny indicating time frame. You should have at least paid attention to the implications of your personality trends, if not the overall environmental condition. That makes a dispassionate look into the astrological pointers to the man’s personality traits imperative. The lagna, its lord the Sun, the two marked with the person’s identity, and mind signifying Moon, all occupy fixed signs. It implies that he is a person having hardened habits and attitudes, not easily amenable to change.
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