Some Information On Vital Aspects In

Chris Jackson/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images What Prince Harry & Meghan's Markle Wedding Date Says About Them, According To Astrology As the world waits to witness the royal wedding of Prince Henry of Wales and Meghan Markle, all eyes are on the fairytale couple. From wedding guests to the number of bridesmaids to who will walk Markle down the aisle, everyone wants to know the details of this once-in-a-lifetime affair. Thankfully, there are more than a few things Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's wedding date says about them , according to Astrology, and every little tidbit of information can help us paint a picture of the nuptials to come. Prince Harry and Markle are set to be married on March 19, 2018, at Windsor Castle in England. The wedding date will fall under a Taurus Zodiac sign and, according to Modern Wedding, May 19 is actually a very lucky date. "The Chinese believe that any date that ends in an eight or a nine is particularly lucky, as eight symbolizes infinity and nine represents fulfillment." The date falls under Taurus as Uranus enters after seven years in Aries , which is, according to YourTango, "logical, deliberate, and slow-moving." While it's a great sign for building a strong relationship that will last, it's also the sign of the bull, so the two lovebirds could butt heads on occasion. Astrologer and psychic medium, Suzie Kerr Wright, tells Good Housekeeping the date is unique as far as planetary alignment goes , adding that it could mean the two "will spend the next seven years creating innovative solutions to problems in the world. They're focus will be on solving the Earth's problems with resources and homelessness." Pool/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images To understand just how the stars may align for the royal couple, it's important to look at their individual Zodiac signs. Markle is a Leo, a fiery sun sign, and Prince Harry is a Virgo earth sign.
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